Social Networks e-learning course


This course goes through two social networking applications for middle-aged and older learners to be familiar, and to participate in social networking tools of interaction and communication and entertainment of the 21st century.

(Video from YouTube)


The course aims at providing the students the general overview of the principles, ethics, functionality, and practical skills  of the social networking applications with particular focus on Facebook and Twitter. The course is going to give a slight overview of games in social networking and other applications.

  • Knowledge of how to use personal computers and browse the Web
  • Knowledge of using e-mailing service
  • Good knowledge of English
  • Solid broadband Internet access

Target Group

Everyone is free to enroll and participate, but the main target is retired people with basic computer skills and a medium English education. The estimated workload for the participants is 6-8 hours of study work per week. Participants are expected to spend this time to read, watch and listen online materials and to complete the assignments according to the schedule.

Learning Objectives

Main objective is to present students with the basic knowledge and practical skills of social networking applications with particular focus on Facebook, Twitter, and their applications, through individual and group collaborations. 

The students will be able to:
  • identify and  describe the guiding principles of social networking applications;
  • create their personal accounts on these applications;
  • navigate through various applications of social networking sites, like creating a fan page; 
  • access and navigate through social networking applications as means of interaction and communication;
  • play some of the games in social networking applications. Target Group Page history last edited by Maibritt Kuuskmäe 3 wks ago Everyone is free to enroll and participate, but the main target is retired people with basic computer skills and a medium English education. The estimated workload for the participants is 6-8 hours of study work per week. Participants are expected to spend this time to read, watch and listen online materials and to complete the assignments according to the schedule.